Translate of Skillsoft course content

Use Google Translate on the Skillsoft course player

Users can use the Google Translate plug-in in Google Chrome to translate the captions of the Skillsoft Course player into their preferred language.

Note: The accurercy of the translations will depend 100% on Google translate. The Skillsoft courses have no connection with the tool.

1. Install the Google Translate extension
Download & Install the Google Translate from the Google Chrome Web Store in your Google Chrome browser.

2. Launch a course on Skillport
Once the extension has been installed on Google Chrome browser, you can launch a course from Skillport.

3. Show the Skillsoft Course Player as a Tab
Once the course player is displayed, right-click on the top of the window and select Show as a Tab.

4. Click on the Google Translate extension.
Once the Course Player is displayed as a Tab on Google Chrome, click on the Google Translate extension in the top-right corner, and then click on: Translate this page.

5. Select the language of your preference.
Select the language of your preference by displaying the option at the top-left of the browser.

6. Click on Play, and then activate the captions
Once the course starts, click on the icon in the bottom-right to active the captions.

7. Change the size of the text
Once the course player is displaying the caption, you can change the size of the text in the bottom-right corner icon, to your preferences.

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ACTONA Company A/S
Lars Zielke
IT Koordinator
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Ejner Hessel A/S
Jimmy Mortensen
IT Administrative Assistant
"Jeg anbefaler Books fordi man har hurtig tilgang til alle fagbøgerne og skal ikke først finde dem på webshop. Når man har bestilt bøger på nettet kommer de som regel først 3 dage senere."
Ejner Hessel A/S
Jimmy Mortensen
IT Administrative Assistant
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